To The Girl Who Struggles with Her Body Image

You are not alone. There are millions of other human beings out there that feel the same way you do. It is totally normal to feel insecure, to compare yourself to others, to pick on certain parts of your body. In this world of social media, you may find yourself seeing yourself though the eyes of those models who are portrayed a certain way or Victoria’s Secret models during the Fashion Show. You imagine yourself in their bodies, as you aspire to look like them.

Your body shouldn’t define who you are. You aren’t going to look like those selfies with an Instagram or Snapchat filter. You don’t need to be. Why do you need to fit into a standard based on someone else’s beauty standards? Everyone was born a different size and shape. It’s in our bone structures and possibly even in certain DNA sequences (genetics right?).

We need to start appreciating our bodies, because we were blessed with this body. Your body is here to help you function in your daily life so that you can do what you aspire to do. I know it is difficult. Especially with that little voice in your head that keeps seeing flaws, that we’re too heavy or too wide, so we need to change. Understand that you are only human, that there will always be something that you don’t like about yourself, and that it’s more of a journey of figuring out how to love yourself anyway. Let go of the pressure you put on yourself to be perfect. Embrace your flaws and mistakes and figure out the various ways that they actually make you stronger. 

Please take a moment right now. Please close your eyes and take a moment to thank your body. For all that it has done for you up to this point. She has kept you healthy and functional, but most importantly alive. She is still breathing - giving you the constant opportunities to keep doing what you enjoy doing. Your beauty shines from the inside out. If you believe, if you have the courage, if you have the confidence, within yourself, it will show on the outside. People will see that confidence and aspire to do the same. A mentor once told me, “a beautiful face and body will age, but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul”.

This year, focus on being kinder to yourself. Let go of the toxic thoughts and the negative self-talk. Each day write down one thing you like about your body. Spread and feel the love. We can control our outlook on life and the thoughts that we put into our heads.

Happy Thoughts!
