Struggles That Girls Who Lift Understand

  • Constantly explaining to people why you lift - um...because it makes you happy.

  • Listening to the idea that you will get bulky - "no, you will not bulk up and look like a man. Do I look like a man to you?"

  • Feeling big around girls who don't lift

  • Developing visible traps and quads - just a sign of strength and power to people who do lift

  • Skinny jeans never fit your quads - sweats are life anyway

  • Blazers never fit your shoulders

  • Your weekly laundry is mostly workout clothes

  • You’re tempted by the snacks at work because you’re always hungry

  • You plan around your gym schedule

  • You complain about the calluses on your hands...all the bruises...all the math

  • Cardio isn’t on the top of your priorities - unless you are trying to cut weight for a meet - because anything over 3 reps (Olympic Weightlifting) or 5 reps (Powerlifting) is enough cardio

  • Some days, it just ain’t happening - it's totally a mental game; on days when your mind and body don't line up, you feel like you suck at life. Like RPE 10. It's OK, though. It happens. Next time —you'll be ready.

  • Sometimes people cross boundaries and randomly cop a feel on your shoulder or bicep…why yes I do lift, but why are you caressing me?

  • You’re underestimated - let me help you carry those groceries - but then you just get to prove them wrong

  • You begin to appreciate your body for what it’s capable of - the realization that you are so much stronger than you ever knew is better than anything. Because bodies are capable of incredible things.

Eventually you stop caring about the number on the scale…

...and start caring about the strength you’re building…

The persistence makes you mentally strong... 

...and that strength gives you all the confidence you need.

Happy Thoughts!
