What It's Like Being an Extroverted Introvert

I’m assuming you’re reading this because you’re like me. You can be outgoing, yet you desperately need your alone time. An extroverted introvert.

This is how I am and I’m sure this is how you are. But we’re often misunderstood. Like yes, I’m outgoing but not all the time. 

Here are a few things you should know about us:

  1. Just because we like being around people doesn’t mean we always want to talk. Talking requires a lot of effort and sometimes, bing around people is enough to make us happy. I know…what?

  2. We like hanging out 1:1 over groups. 1:1 time just means more intimate, meaningful conversations rather than small talk with a group of people.

  3. We could be terrible at texting because sometimes we just don’t want to talk…to anyone. It isn’t you; sometimes we’re just so burnt out being around others that we’re exhausted and need to recharge. We love hanging out in person but if we’re in this type of mood, sorry.

  4. We can get lonely. Even though we need our alone time, it’s tough to balance alone time and not feeling lonely. Times when we want to go out because we feel alone, home feels so comfortable that we just don’t want to leave.

  5. It is hard to get us out, but once out, we have a great time. Again, it’s not that we don’t wanna go out…we just think, “What if it’s not fun? What if they are just inviting me to be nice?” We get into our own heads and use them as excuses to not go out.

  6. So we may not be the most talkative amongst a group, but if someone is in need, we will step right up.

  7. We live in our heads 110% - thoughts racing and analyzing every situation.

  8. We’re pretty happy in places like cafés and coffeeshops - surrounded by others but still closed off and keeping to ourselves.

  9. We really don’t like small talk. We prefer to get to know you, what you think about, what your goals are, etc.

  10. If we like you, we really like you. We’re super picky about who we spend our energy and time on so if we’re hanging out, take it as a compliment.

Happy Thoughts!


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