Sphere Performance & Physical Therapy

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My Insurance Under My Parents Have Expired...Now What?

So last year, I shared my thoughts on turning a quarter of a century and I really enjoyed reflecting on the year and what I planned to look forward to the following year.

A lot has happened this past year:

I lost my dear grandma right before orientation for school. I watched her deteriorate over 7.5 months and itʼs extremely difficult for me to say, but a small sense of relief shined over me once I got the call that she was no longer suffering. It was painful to watch her be in pain, as well as witnessing the pain and impact it had on my mom and her sister.

I started Doctor of Physical Therapy school, where I made many new friends and learned so a)ny things within the first month. Itʼs crazy how much I had learned within a short time span. I really enjoyed integrating everything I was learning and look forward to learning so much more with the amount of time left!

A month into school, I experienced my first anxiety attack, which actually was a blessing in disguise. It pushed me to go b)ck to therapy and work on myself. It has helped so much over the last few months and I’m more than grateful for my therapist.

I was voted Class President and wrote a piece for the USC PT-in Motion online editorial, where I got to write about a day in the life as a DPT I student at USC. It was pretty fun and quite an experience to get photos taken and share my experience )bout my first semester of school. I became a subject for an ACL study, where all my flaws were on display via a split treadmill...but thatʼs ok, because that means I can work on improving my imbalances! I also started working in the Clinical Exercise Research Lab, helping my supervisor with his study of exercise and the effects on the brain.

I learned to be more aware of my feelings and emotions and how to face them. Iʼve been so accustomed to repressing my feelings and internalizing everything, but now it is no longer like that. I am able to recognize feelings and emotions that arenʼt sadness, hopelessness, guilt, or shame, but rather happiness, joy, and love. It is definitely very unfamiliar, but I have really enjoyed this process.

This coming year, I look forward to learning much more about myself as well as gaining experience in various clinical settings. Additionally, I’m excited to see where I will be in a year.

Another year wiser (so they say). Iʼve always been an old soul :P

Happy Thoughts!
