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75 Rejections Later...Resilience

Click to watch my story on resilience then scroll down to read on some ways to improve yours.

“How’d you do it Cheri?”

“Are you still in disbelief? I feel like this is still a dream.”

Yes dad. Yes auntie. I feel like this is still a dream. I could say I have absolutely no idea. Because I don’t. Kind of. I mean, yes, they’re ranked #1 and yes it’s a competitive program and yes it’s damn hard to get in. 95 out of 1000. Yes, “lower ranked” programs rejected me, so I could I possibly fathom the idea of getting into THIS program.

I am confident that I’ve worked my butt off these past 2-2.5 years. I reapplied twice (though this is the first time applying to this specific program); I’ve continued to work in the PT/chiro clinic; I’ve worked as a performance coach (now twice - 2 different companies); I’ve interned back at my Alta Mater, UC Berkeley, with strength & conditioning; I’ve attempted to run my own business to develop a web app service with a friend; I’ve taken some more classes and retaken the GRE.

I can finally say that I am so proud of myself. I didn’t feel this sense of accomplishment when I was at Cal. Being a NCAA Division I Javelin Thrower was freaking amazing and I had such a great experience, but my heart has always been set on getting in and going to DPT school. During the past 2-2.5 years, I’ve felt like a failure. A complete failure. Not only for myself but for my parents. Embarrassed and disappointed. But now, I am overjoyed.

The first time I applied, I was finishing my undergrad career and didn’t have too much experience nor did I meet all the prerequisites. It was a chance for me to get more experience in the field and to really develop myself as sa person and as a candidate.

The second time I applied, I had many more hours under my belt along with a couple of classes that helped boost my GPA and I retook the GRE. 4 flights, 1 interview, 3 waitlists later, i was only to be heartbroken to be rejected by all. I mean 3 waitlists meant my chances were higher right??? Isn’t that what statistics or probability is about? (Perhaps not) Greatly disappointed again, I opted to apply again.

This third time around, I was more anxious than ever but I told myself, programs love to see resilience and persistence. And this time around, I had even more hours - various experiences - and felt way more prepared for a rigorous graduate program. The time between undergrad and now have made me more hungry and ambitious than ever. 75 rejections later, I feel more ready than I have before and am so excited for the journey ahead.

Ways to Build Resilience

1.      make connections - family, friends, others - accepting help and support strengths resilience

2.      accept that change is a part of living

3.      move towards your goals - develop some realistic goals that enables you to move toward your short/long term goals

4.      look for opportunities for self-discovery - you’ll learn something about yourself as a result of your struggle / rejection / loss

5.      keep things in perspective - try to consider the stressful situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective

6.      take care of yourself - pay attention to your own needs and feelings; engage in activities that are relaxing; exercise, sleep, eat well

Again, resilience involves thoughts, behaviors, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone. Resilience is not black and white.

Happy Thoughts!
